Qt Bitcoin Trader is open source application that helps you open and cancel Mt.Gox, BTC-e, Bitstamp, BTCChina and Bitfinex orders very fast. Real time data monitoring.
Developed on pure Qt, uses OpenSSL.
Api key and secret is protected by password using AES 256 encryption.
Your password must be at least 8 characters and contain letters, digits, and special characters.
Interface Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, German, Chinese, Polish, Czech, Italiano, Turkish.
I want to develop this Trader App so that it can be configured for any rule and strategy.
And make real time charts on QML or Qt Graphics View.
For correct work your system time required to be synchronized with NTP.
Portable mode for Windows
Just create folder named QtBitcoinTrader at same folder as exe file. All data will be stored there. Useful to use on USB flash drive.
Proxy settings by default gets from system. For Windows it gets from IE.
Also you can configure proxy by editing QtBitcoinTrader.cfg file. (located in %localappdata%\QtBitcoinTrader or ~/.config/QtBitcoinTrader)
Default values is:
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Auto=true means settings gets from Internet Explorer.
So here is example of manual configuration:
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Next ToDo
1 ) Advanced Charts
2 ) Add support to monitor many exchanges and currencies at time
3 ) Add script language to make own adwanced trade strategy
4 ) Develop server to collect all ticker and depth data to provide single websocket connection for realtime data updates
5 ) Make floatable interface
6 ) Allow to save interface settings as Workspace profiles
7 ) Develop mobile application to provide secure remote access to running application on desktop
8 ) Add plugins support to allow all developers attach any exchanges
9 ) Add command line support
Tested on Windows, Linux and Mac.
Official Page http://centrabit.com
JL Script manual http://forum.centrabit.com
JL Rules manual http://forum.centrabit.com
Facebook, Twitter
Twitter (Personal)
Download from SourceForge for Windows and Mac
Source Code on GitHub
Download from Softpedia for Windows
Download from Softpedia for Mac OS X
Video on YouTube
Download latest Beta version for Windows
Unofficial links:
Guide by wallstreetcrypto.net
Linux repos: Gentoo, AltLinux, OpenSUSE
Qt Bitcoin Trader for Windows have digital signature.
Please always when you download any exe file for Windows Google it first, find official site, double check source, digital signature and information about this file on http://virustotal.com
Highly recommend to use secure auto update.
Known fake domains and malware trader apps discussed here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=400487
Windows: just download exe file and save it to safe place.
Install commands under Linux with Qt5 (Prefered):
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sudo apt-get install g++ libssl-dev libglu1-mesa-dev qt5-qmake qtscript5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev
export QT_SELECT=5
qmake QtBitcoinTrader_Desktop.pro
make && make install && make clean
Install commands under Linux with Qt4 (No Sound):
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install g++ libssl-dev libglu1-mesa-dev qt4-qmake
qmake QtBitcoinTrader_Desktop.pro
make && make install && make clean
Or just open pro file with Qt Creator.
If you entered API keys but values don't updates, please go and check permissions for Trade and Info.
If it not helps, then delete your keys and generate new one.
If it not helps please try latest beta version.
If even this not helps, please email me and we will debug it.
If you have an error "API key not found" or another error contains API text message, you can try this temporary solution:
Do not copy your keys directly from site to QTBT, first copy your keys elsewhere (Word, Notepad, StickyNote), and then copy and paste from there to QTBT.
Guaranteed way: Typing your credentials, be sure you typed them correctly, it may take a while to do but once you have done that your credentials should not be rejected.
Thanks to RG I'll fix this error soon.
You can send me log file for debugging.
Close Qt Bitcoin Trader and go to the ~/.config/QtBitcoinTrader (Linux) or %localappdata%\QtBitcoinTrader (Windows) folder and edit your *.ini file.
Find section Debug and change LogEnabled=false to LogEnabled=true
Start Qt Bitcoin Trader for 1 minute and close it.
Now in ~/.config/QtBitcoinTrader folder you can find *.log file, send it to me.
Don't forget to change LogEnabled to false back.
Bug tracker on GitHub: https://github.com/JulyIGHOR/QtBitcoinTrader/issues