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Requested improvements to Qt Bitcoin Trader

Qt Bitcoin Trader is open source application that helps you open and cancel BTC-e, Bitstamp, BTCChina, Bitfinex, orders very fast. Real time data monitoring.

Posts: 1
I started this thread for those who would like to add improvement requests to QT Trader so that Centrabit can review them (hopefully).

Posts: 1
Hey there,

It would be great to have a function that returns the volume of bids/asks at a specific price.
trader.get("AsksVolume",price) and BidsVolume gives a total volume for *upto* that price.


Posts: 11
Location: Ukraine

Boogle wrote:
Hey there,

It would be great to have a function that returns the volume of bids/asks at a specific price.
trader.get("AsksVolume",price) and BidsVolume gives a total volume for *upto* that price.


Hi. Thanks for feature request. I'll work on it.
For now you can get amount by using this like function: trader.get("AsksVolume",price)-trader.get("AsksVolume",price-0.00001)

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